
Cinematography -- Data și ora publicării: 15.10.2008 17:41:06

THE LIGHT CINEMAS – 3D CINEMA / The first 3D cinema in the country to open in October

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / October 10, 2008 / „The Light Cinemas”, the first three-dimensional multiplex in the country, will be launched on October 31, during the 18th edition of the International Movie Festival DaKINO, inside the Liberty Center mall.

The cinema is operated by the company Light Cinema Bucuresti, which was established in April 2008. The shareholders, John Sullivan and Keith Sullivan, who have a rich experience in the cinema industry in Europe, Australia and Asia, decided to launch the first cinema in Romania which will have digital equipment, as well as 3D capabilities.

The investment made for the multiplex in Bucharest amounts to €6 million.

The 3D endowments offer the possibility to present live concerts, fashion shows and sports events, such as football games and F1 races, broadcast through satellite and using this technology, according to a press release issued by the DaKINO Foundation.

The multiplex has seven cinemas inside, whose total capacity reaches 1,200 seats.

The same investors will also launch other cinemas in the near future. (AC)

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