
Authorities -- Data și ora publicării: 15.10.2008 17:43:07

CNA-MEMBERS / The Romanian Parliament voted the new members of the National Audiovisual Council

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / October 14, 2008 / The National Audiovisual Council (CNA) has three new members, who were validated on Tuesday, October 14, by the Romanian Parliament, and one reconfirmed member, Cristina Trepcea.

The three new members of the institution are Narcisa Iorga, from the Presidency, Mihai Malaimare and Christian Mititelu, from the Government.

Cristina Trepcea was nominated by the Social Democrat Party.

Manuela Hodor (the Social Democrat Party) and Elena Dinu (from the Presidency), were confirmed as alternate members of the CNA.

Narcisa Iorga is a journalist. She was in charge of the press bureau of the Liberal Democrat Party, Christian Mititelu was chief of the Romanian version of Radio BBC, and Mihai Malaimare is an actor, Director of the Masca theatre in Bucharest. He was also an member of the Culture Committee inside the Chamber of Deputies.

The new CNA members will start their activity once the decision is published in the official journal of Romania, Monitorul Oficial. (AC)

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