
Radio -- Data și ora publicării: 19.10.2008 15:24:39

TOTAL-CHANGE-GOLDFM / Radio Total changes name and format

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / October 15, 2008 / Radio Total will change both its name – to GoldFM – and the musical format, starting this October, according to a press release issued by the group Realitatea Catavencu. The new radio channel will broadcast Oldies music, most of it from the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘90s.

The change will be implemented starting Monday, October 27, 2008, at 07.00 o’clock in the morning. The radio channel’s slogan is „Greatest Hits". GoldFM will only broadcast in Bucharest, on the frequency 96.9 FM, which belonged to Radio Total until now.

Radio Total started broadcasting at the end of July 1994. According to the National Audiovisual Council, the owner of the Radio Total network is the company Expresiv SA, whose shareholders are: COMAC LIMITED - 51% (Cyprus), FSLI - 39%, Cornel Nistorescu - 7%, Andrei Dan Anghel - 1%, Calin Ionut Anghel - 1% and Alina Tudora Mantea - 1%. (AC)

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