
Authorities -- Data și ora publicării: 12.01.2009 21:33:41

IT&C-OBJECTIVES-2009 / New IT&C Ministry objectives for 2009

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / January 12, 2009 / New Romanian Communications Ministry priorities for 2009 include reorganizing the institution, interconnecting all the public institutions through a single IT interface, as well as reducing the gap between the rural and urban areas to the access to broadband Internet.

However, the Ministry’s objectives for this year do not include listing on the stock exchange market the 46% of the shares the State owns in RomTelecom, nor selling the Romanian Postal Services or the National Radiocommunications Company to private ownership, said Gabriel Sandu, the new Communications Minister

”We don’t want to list Romtelecom on the stock exchange market, nor sell the Romanian Postal Services or the National Radiocommunications Company, because these are Governmental strategic decisions that should be approved and assimilated by the Government when I present a specific situation regarding their real value”, Sandu explained.

He also stated the economic context that makes this move inappropriate and said that he will start an audit process for the three companies, following which he will establish whether they should be restructured or financially consolidated. (AC)

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