
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 18.01.2009 22:55:40

CABLE-COPYRIGHT-NEGOTIATIONS / The authors, interpreters and producers claim €30 million copyright fees from DTH and cable

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / January 13, 2008 / The Romanian copyright authority, ORDA, launched a new set of negotiations in order to establish the methodology for the cable, DTH and IPTV copyright payments.

As before this point, the fee that was asked was extremely high – namely 12% of the net income – compared to the present value, of 2%. Moreover, the methodology includes provisions that violate elementary laws of the commercial ethics.

The percent which was asked is, however, smaller than that of previous negociations, when the demands even raised to 17%. Considering a TV distribution market evaluated by Media Expres at over €250 million in 2008, the copyright institutions practically demand fees which reach €30 million per year.

The methodology proposal, which was signed by officials of eight copyright collector institutions, provides that the percent should be applied to the montly income of the TV and radio distribution companies, as well as the the cable, DTH and Internet companies.

All in all, the new round of negociations started in a very similar way with the previous ones, and the cable industry will definetly try to cancel the requests or postpone them.

The law states that the negociations should be closed in 30 days since they were innitiated. The first meeting happened in January 2009. (AC)

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