
Radio -- Data și ora publicării: 03.02.2009 14:35:54

PETROM-EUROPA FM / Radio Europa FM will be rebroadcast in the Petrom gas stations

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / January 27, 2009 / The national radio station Europa FM will be broadcast in 352 of the Petrom gas stations, according to a request made by the marketing division of the gas company, and addressed to the Romanian Audiovisual Council.

"Petrom Marketing is interested in the comfort of its clients and the quick access to information of the people on the road", shows the letter the company sent to the CNA.

The request is similar to the one previously made by Bucharest’s public means of transportation, RATB.

Thus, the CNA decided that Petrom does not need an authorization from the Council in order to broadcast the radio station.

However, the Petrom officials have not yet decided whether to broadcast the radio station or not, with the main problem being the copyright fees that should be paid for broadcasting such a program. (AC)

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