
Radio -- Data și ora publicării: 04.02.2009 11:22:06

NATIONAL FM-NETWORK / National FM to become a national radio network

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / January 27, 2009 / Romanian radio station National FM, owned by businessmen Viorel Micula and Ioan Micula, received the National Audiovisual Council’s support in becoming a national radio network, after the station proved it reaches over 60% of the Romanian population, through its 32 stations in the country. The percent is mentioned in the audiovisual legislation as the minimum coverage a local radio stations network needs in order to become a national network.

National FM showed that the local programs the stations have to broadcast as part of being local stations affects the unity of the channel’s program offer. After becoming a national station, the network will no longer broadcast local advertising.

The company that operates the channel also plans to give the channel a rebranding, which shall be finalized at the end of the development process, which is programmed to last for six years.

According to the information made public by the National FM officials, the local advertising does not cover more than 30% of the local operational costs of the stations.

At the moment, the only national FM networks are being used by Europa FM, Info Pro and the public radio station. (AC)

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