
Authorities -- Data și ora publicării: 10.03.2009 13:55:27

CNA-FINES / The National Audiovisual Council harshened the fines for the infringements of the Audiovisual Law

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / March 10, 2009 / The members of the National Audiovisual Council (CNA) gave away 66% more sanctions in the first two months of 2009 compared to the same period of 2008, daily newspaper Adevarul reported.

In January and February 2008, the CNA gave ten fines, out of which six were only for tabloid television station OTV, while in January and February 2009, the organism gave 25 fines, 150% more than the previous year.

In 2008 the most important radio and television stations were fined with a total E27,000 (100,000 Romanian Lei, at the average exchange rate for 2008), while in 2009, the total amount of the penalties raised to E39,000 (167,500 Romanian Lei, at the exchange rate on March 10).

OTV totalized 90% of the total amount of money the authorities have to collect from the fined broadcasters. (AC)

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