
Profile -- Data și ora publicării: 29.04.2013 23:48:42

NEM-PRESS CONFERENCE / New Europe Market was officially presented during a press conference in Zagreb

Zagreb, Croatia / April 29, 2013 / A new media event New Europe Market (NEM), which will take place in Dubrovnik from May 8th to 11th, was presented today at the hotel Esplanade’s terrace Oleander, in Zagreb, according to a release by the organizer. 

Sanja Božić-Ljubičić, director of NEM and Mediavision, the company which organizes NEM, Tomislav Pisk, director of Mediavision, and representatives from Eutelsat, diamond NEM sponsor, Apostolos Triantafyllou and Sabrina Pluvinage took part in the press conference. 

„The beautiful ambiance of Dubrovnik that we chose for the first edition of New Europe Market (NEM) has been the centre for exchange for centuries. It was the meeting place of the East and the West, where merchants sold their goods and cultures and religions learned from each other. Whether people stayed there or went their own way, one thing has always been certain: the experience in Dubrovnik enriched all of them. 

The same mission has brought us to this wonderful adventure: New Europe Market (NEM) will be the place where media professionals will meet, exchange ideas, learn from each other, gain new experiences and give and receive knowledge. This region needs an event like NEM. There are so many talented people here that could go unrecognised in larger surroundings, and even the global recession doesn’t minimise the great developmental potential that we can offer to big companies. At the same time, there is quite a lot that we can learn. Is there a better way for that than to invite leading world experts in relevant fields to share their knowledge and opinions? We are extremely proud that so many professionals in the relevant areas of media business have accepted our invitation to participate in our discussions. It goes to show that no matter how NEM sometimes might have seemed a risky endeavour, we were not the only ones who believed that we are moving in the right direction. 

This direction, surely, includes our wish to organize New Europe Market on an annual basis. Therefore we would like to thank you for coming to the first edition of NEM and invite you to join us at NEM 2014!” – Sanja Božić-Ljubičić, said the director of NEM and Mediavision. 

Apart from television content and services market as well as fourteen panel discussions, NEM is also a great place for networking since it enables the participants numerous chances for new business opportunities. 

You can find additional information about NEM panel discussions and speakers on the official website www.neweumarket.com. 

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