Page 111 - Anuarul Media Expres 2021-2022
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             Top Cifre de afaceri [i Profit

                          - companii de PR -

                Agen ia          Cifra de afaceri (euro)  Agen ia      Profit net/pierderi (euro)
             1  McCann PR                 7,132,524  1  Graffiti PR                523,698
             2  Graffiti PR               5,230,710  2  V+O Communication          395,447
             3  SmartPoint Consulting     3,685,405  3  McCann PR                  365,750
             4  Porter Novelli PR         3,140,218  4  Rogalski Damaschin PR      309,201
             5  Rogalski Damaschin PR     3,084,421  5  GMP PR                     295,480
             6  Golin                     2,807,649  6  SmartPoint Consulting      290,473
             7  Oxygen PR                 2,417,778  7  Porter Novelli PR          272,720
             8  GMP PR                    1,957,902  8  Public Relations People    202,266
             9  V+O Communication         1,632,212  9  Golin                      199,172
             10 Grayling România          1,170,347  10 Free Communication         192,950
             11  Free Communication         966,463  11  Grayling România          185,015
             12 B.D.R. Associates           949,934  12 Total PR                   164,825
             13 Dăescu Bor un Olteanu Consultan ă  927,623  13 PR IN Grup          143,243
             14 Conan PR                    707,030  14 Brain 4 Strategy           111,617
             15 Links Associates            608,655  15 Caracteristic               91,065
             16 PR IN Grup                  577,203  16 DC Communication            89,217
             17 Ran Events Communication    503,888  17 The Public Advisors         76,698
             18 Brain 4 Strategy            475,029  18 Premium Public Relations    74,247
             19 Total PR                    462,722  19 Ogilvy PR (Social Lab Ro)   66,704
             20 The Public Advisors         399,456  20 Action Global Communication  65,116
             21 2 Active PR                 374,301  21 Trust Communications        63,065
             22 Chapter 4 Communications    363,103  22 Chapter 4 Communications    62,391
             23 DC Communication            362,645  23 Dăescu Bor un Olteanu Consultan ă  62,243
             24 Prais Corporate Communication  351,142  24 More Than Pub            56,440
             25 Action Global Communication  349,840  25 Links Associates           52,569
             26 Public Relations People     347,648  26 B.D.R. Associates           50,114
             27 Ogilvy PR (Social Lab Ro)   332,209  27 Oxygen PR                   49,476
             28 Premium Public Relations    298,840  28 Sunday PR                   40,379
             29 More Than Pub               230,018  29 Tudor Communication         38,596
             30 Pure Media Solutions        221,250  30 Wefflermark Services        33,407
             31 Image PR                    185,556  31 Ran Events Communication    32,376
             32 PR & More                   175,048  32 Pure Media Solutions        32,019
             33 Trust Communications        173,694  33 The House PR Agency         31,420
             34 The House PR Agency         170,056  34 Media Pozitiv               29,641
             35 Wefflermark Services        161,700  35 PR & More                   27,509
             36 Media Pozitiv               159,598  36 Steps PR                    24,814
             37 Caracteristic               150,308  37 Image PR                    22,815
             38 Tudor Communication         137,553  38 Premium Communication       21,583
             39 Accent Communications       119,867  39 Prais Corporate Communication  20,590
             40 Sunday PR                   102,185  40 Prora Comunicare            20,483
             41 Seven Media                 73,516  41 Eidos Public Advisors        18,330
             42 Premium Communication       50,341  42 Accent Communications        7,790
             43 Steps PR                    46,495  43 INKCOMM PR                     269
             44 Eidos Public Advisors       45,036  44 Seven Media                   -380
             45 Galeriu & Partners          44,055  45 Chelgate România             -1,899
             46 Chelgate România            41,216  46 Galeriu & Partners          -18,413
             47 Prora Comunicare            30,901  47 Conan PR                    -80,245
             48 INKCOMM PR                  12,170  48 2 Active PR                 -95,709
                TOTAL INDUSTRIE          43,947,461    TOTAL INDUSTRIE           4,716,578
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