
Tv -- Data și ora publicării: 11.06.2014 13:07:21

HOFER-PRO TV-NEW JOB / Austrian Dr. Wolfgang Höfer To Lead Pro TV's Programming In Romania

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / June 11, 2014 / Dr Wolfgang Höfer, Deputy Senior Vice President of ORF Austria, will lead CME backed Pro TV programing starting July 1, 2014, according a release of the Romanian company Pro TV SA.

He is replacing Anca Budinschi, one of the oldest employees of the channel, one of the last one from the team that left PRO TV after the last year dismiss of former CME CEO Adrian Sarbu.

Wolfgang Höfer was responsible for programming of leading Austrian channels Orf eins and ORF2, and is known developing new original formats such as "The Toughest Jobs of Austria", "Live Your Dreams". Previously he was Head of Programming for ORF eins, Program Advisor of Director of Program (2011-2012), Senior Vice President ORF-Group Programming (2009), Head of Operative Programming and Scheduling (2007-2009), Assistant Senior Vice President ORF Programming (2000-2007) and Marketing Manager (1999).

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