
Tv -- Data și ora publicării: 12.09.2015 01:40:46

IBC NEWS-ULTRA HD SCREENS / GfK Predicts UHD Screen Sales Up To 5 Million By The End Of 2015

Amsterdam (MEDIA EXPRES) / September 12, 2015 / GfK predicts a 200% hike in Ultra HD screen sales from June to December 2015, and it expects sales to hit the five million mark by the end of the year with 3.6 million in Western Europe, 700,000 in Eastern Europe and 600,000 in the Middle East, representing 9.3% of all TV sales in 21 key markets in these regions, according a release by Eutelsat at IBC 2015.

Accumulated sales will result in a potential installed base of 6.2 million TV homes. GfK also forecasts that Ultra HD screens in 2020 will represent more than 70% of total sales across Europe and almost 60% in the Middle East and North Africa. The annual volume of screens sold in these markets is expected by then to have reached 37 million.

A consumer qualitative study carried out in two waves in Italy, France, the UK, Germany, Poland Russia and Turkey by Eutelsat, in November 2014, and in June 2015, indicated a willingness of the subscribers to pay up to €10 a month to benefit from Ultra HD in the home.

The investment threshold for new TV sets were between €1,000 and €3,000 for screens within the 50” range.

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