
Communications -- Data și ora publicării: 12.09.2015 10:29:24

SES-EUTELSAT-SAT>IP / Eutelsat Joined SAT>IP Alliance a SES Initiative

Amsterdam (MEDIA EXPRES) / September 12, 2015 / Eutelsat Communications joined the Sat>IP Alliance "virtually friday morning", stated Thomas Wrede, VP Reception Systems at SES ASTRA, during a seminar at IBC 2015 on the Sat>IP latest developments, held on Friday 11, 2015.

The Sat>IP Alliance aim to support the development and worldwide adoption of the Sat>IP technology and includes leading satellite operators and manufacturers – SES, Hispasat, Panasonic, Nagra, ALi Corporation and MaxLinear.

The Alliance will develop marketing activities to promote the use of the SAT>IP communications protocol, supports integration of CAS-to-DRM technology for distributing pay-TV services over in-home IP networks, and facilitates product certifications. The Sat>IP Alliance membership is 5.000 a year, money to be spend for the promotion activities, said Wrede.

The Sat>IP standard, published as European standard CENELEC EN 50585 in 2014, converts satellite signals into Internet Protocol (IP), using a small server connected to the home IP router. This enables high-quality satellite programmes to be received on any IP capable device at home: smartphones, tablets, laptops. Supported by over 40 hardware and software companies, SAT>IP counts today around 75 different compliant products.

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