
To Go To Do To See -- Data și ora publicării: 24.04.2017 18:18:53

COMMUNICATIONS-SPIONAGE-COLLECTION / "The tools of the spies" - Presentation of a new collection at the German Espionage Museum

Berlin (MEDIA EXPRES) / 24 Apr 2017 / German Espionage Museum / Deutsches Spionagemuseum (deusches-spionagemuseum.de) announced a new collection presentation starting April 25, 2017, of famous collector and specialist for espionage service technology Detlev Vreisleben, admission free.

Presentation by the moderator Franz-M. Günther, curator of the German Espionage Museum, Detlev Vreisleben, collection introduces visitors to the secret world of the so-called "messaging" containers and the world's first agent gadgets.

For this purpose, he not only illuminates the technical side, but also explains the practical application together with exciting background stories.

In the transmission and transport of the information, all secret services were extremely imaginative. Before the digital age made the transport of information via bits, bytes and glass fiber almost invisible, this field was one of the major challenges for the technology departments of the intelligence services.

Nearly every everyday object could be rebuilt, buildings, trees, stones and branches manipulated in such a way that they could receive or transport messages.

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