
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 15.08.2005 17:04:00

NAC-RTV-ADVERTISING / The NAC requests no advertising through the public broadcasters

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / August 12 2005 / Mr. Ralu Filip, chairman of the (Romanian) National Council of the Audiovisual, had suggested to the Chamber of Deputies, during a meeting which had taken place during the second part of the first week of August, 2005, that the advertising broadcasting space on the State radio and television stations, should be diminished, or for it to be completely excluded from their grinds.

Mr. Filip had stated that advertising is the reason for which the State television and the radio station programs are in a direct competition with the ones belonging to the private stations. He also stated that, if the RTV wouldn't be any longer coerced by the rules of selling commercials, it would then achieve more and better programs of a cultural-educational type.

The representatives of the (Romanian) Cultural Committee, from within the (Romanian) Chamber of Deputies, have not yet stated that, in order of reducing the amount of commercials, and this project to be stipulated by the latest law in the field, it should stipulate another system of financing, which to replace the lost net revenues of advertising.

He suggested, as well, during a public meeting of the NAC, which had as its prior objective the achieving of a modification project to the law of the RBS and of the RTVS, that the representatives of the Romanian Government to be excluded from within the Boards of Administration of the two above mentioned companies, as a measure of reducing the political pressure on the Romanian State television and radio stations. (M.S.C.)

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