
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 17.04.2006 10:22:00

COPYRIGHT-FEE / The members of the Deputy Chamber’s Culture Committee canceled the limit for the copyright fee

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / April 17, 2006 / The members of the Deputy Chamber’s Culture Committee adopted, on Tuesday, the disputed article in the copyright law that settles the types of payment and the methodology for the payment of the copyright, thus canceling the limit which is presently applied for the radio, TV and cable companies.

The deputies adopted an amendment at the proposal of the Committee president, Raluca Turcan, which says that the payments will be made in percents according to the degree of utilisation of the artistic works or with the spending occasioned by the utilisation. Also, in case the negociations between the authors and the users are blocked, both parties will use the european practice in this field.

The deputies have also limitted the procentage of administrative spending for the fund gathering to 15%, compared to 30% present limit.

Author’s rights collected in Romania in 2005 was Euro3,504,490 .

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