
NGO -- Data și ora publicării: 18.10.2003 21:06:00

CRP-TINU-AWARD / The Romanian Press Club will offer the Dumitru Tinu Award for the written and audiovisual press

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / 18 oct 2003 / The Romanian Press Club (CRP) is going to offer the Dumitru Tinu Award to a Romanian press company for exquisite performances for the ongoing year, according to a release published by the Romanian press association.

The jury will be made of the members of the CRP Executive Committee and the prize consists of a trophy, a diplomma and $5,000. The sponsor of the prize is Philip Morris Romania.

Further information can be found at the CRP headquarters, tel: 021 6654116, 021 2234332, e-mail: crp@digi.ro. Also, the information is available on the Web page of the Club, at http://crp.digiro.net.

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