
Profile -- Data și ora publicării: 29.06.2004 21:44:00

MEDIA EXPRES-2004 YEARBOOK-LAUNCHING / Media Expres launches the second edition of the Romanian Cable and Media Yearbook

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / June 29, 2004 / The Media Expres publishing house announces the official launching of the second edition of the Romanian Cable and Media Yearbook, bilingual, now available on command for the Romanian cable and media providers, distributors, users and operators, as well as for the foreign companies that are interested in the Romanian market and the Romanian authorities.

The Cable and Media Yearbook 2004 includes the updated detailed description of the cable companies, channel and equipment providers, as well as the presentation of the competent authorities in this field and a section dedicated to the actual legislation.

Mihai Pavelescu, Editor-in-Chief and General Director of Media Expres, declared that “The cable, television and radio Yearbook is issued for the second time, trying to provide a complete description of a boyant industry, situation generated both by the liberalisation of the telecommunications industry and the beginning of the second year from the implementation of the new Romanian Audiovisual Law, in July, 2002.“

The Cable and Media Yearbook will be distributed in over 1,500 offices in the Romanian and foreign industry-related companies. The dimenssions of the publication have been chosen so that they would easen the users’ access to information (17 x 21 cm).
Among the elements that define the second edition of the Yearbook is the updated description of the cable, television and communication market, the presentation of the service operators and providers (cable companies, Internet and telephony), of the regulatory bodies in the industry, as well as of the channel, equipment and services providers (TV and radio).

In adition to the previous eddition, The Romanian Cable and Media Yearbook 2004 includes a market overview of the Romanian audiovisual industry structured on geographical areas. Also, the 2004 Yearbook includes details regarding the subscription to the third edition of the Yearbook, which will be issued in April, 2005.

The Romanian Cable and Media Yearbook 2004 has been distributed in premiere to all the participants in the General Assembly of the Romanian Cable Communication Association, which was held in Sinaia, on May 6, 2004, on which occasion it suffered a last process of content update.

The Media Expres Yearbook is edited by the Media Expres company, which also owns the monthly publication Media Expres and the website www.mediaexpres.ro. The company is acknowledged for the qualitative content provision on a managerial level in the communications, television and radio industry. Media Expres celebrated its fifth anniversary in March, 2004.

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