
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 20.11.2007 00:08:00

ANIMAX-SALES-START / Animax started selling advertising space

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / October 12, 2007 / The anime specialized TV channel Animax, which was launched in Romania in July 2007, started selling advertising space since the beginning of October, through the Romanian media agency Media Mall.

Animax shares the same channel with the cartoons channel Minimax. The channel gathers around 4.3 million subscribers nationwide, both through cable and DTH. The TV station broadcasts programs for six hours a day, between 20.00 PM and 2.00 AM.

According to the Minimax and Animax Sales Manager, Andreea Parvu, the advertising is aimed at the Animax target public, which is made up of teenagers, aged 12 to 25, generally from the urban areas.

The TV audience is measured since the beginning of 2006. «We expect to have at least €50,000 from advertising only this year», said Gabriel Militaru, Executive Manager of Media Mall.

Animax is a channel owned by Sony Pictures. (AC)

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