
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 29.11.2007 17:14:51

ARBOMEDIA-TV - ARBOmedia will no longer sell advertising space for TV

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / November 29, 2007 / After the Jetix children’s television channel was taken over by Splendid Media from the ARBOmedia sales house portfolio, the latter decided to completely abandon selling advertising space for TV, both in Romania and other countries in which the company operates, according to information provided by the company's Communication Department.

Ana-Rita Da'Ros, ARBOmedia's Public Relations Manager, said that its collaboration with the Hallmark Channel will cease by the end of this year. The movie channel will most likely become part of the portfolio of the Splendid Media multimedia sales house.

Silviu Ispas, ARBOmedia's General Manager, indicated that, based on market research, the online-print mix can bring spectacular and expected results for the business model of a sales house.

Following this decision, ARBOmedia will concentrate on its two left departments, namely the press department and the online department. The company officials stated that the most important part of the ARBOmedia business is the press department.

As ARBOmedia exited the market of sales houses selling advertising space for TV, two large players remain on this market, Splendid Media and Cable Direct. (AC)

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