
Press review -- Data și ora publicării: 29.11.2007 17:19:03

PRO SPORT-MEDIAPRO-AQUISITION/MediaPro officially announced the aquisition of sports newspaper Pro Sport

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / November 29, 2007 / MediaPro, the media group owned by Romanian businessman Adrian Sarbu, which includes the Pro TV channel, officially announced the acquisition of sports newspaper Pro Sport from the media group Ringer, according to a press release.

The contract between the two parties was signed at mid-November. MediaPro paid8.3 million euros for the newspaper.

Following the acquisition, the sports newspaper will have a new Editor-in-Chief, namely Dan Filoti, who will be replacing Dorin Chiotea.

The transaction takes place almost five years after Adrian Sarbu sold the same newspaper to the Swiss media group Ringier, for $7.7 million.

According to sources in the industry, 2007 is the first year that Pro Sport finishes without any losses. Until the end of this year, the innitial advertising income estimations for 2007 will be outrun by 30%. (AC)

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