
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 19.04.2008 15:59:56

COPYRIGHT-TV-CHANGE / The TV sector won a battle with the copyright institutions

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / April 18, 2008 / The Romanian TV stations recently won a court battle with the copyright institutions, after a law was passed, establishing that the 3 percent TV stations must pay for the music copyright will be paid depending on the amount of music each station broadcasts.

The decision was taken following a trial opened by the Audiovisual Communications Association (ARCA), SC SBS Broadcasting Media, TV Antena 1, Pro TV, the public TV company SRTv, as well as the Composers' Union.

In favor of the Composers Union, the Court decided that the percent also applies to the income from third party companies, such as production and advertising companies who uses music to be finally broadcast on television.

In favor of ARCA and the TV stations involved, the Court established that the percent is calculated according to the amount of music each station broadcasts and it will raise to 3% for the stations which broadcast music 100% of the air space.

The new rules are applicable starting April 10, 2008.

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