
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 28.05.2008 16:10:24

SPLENDID-HALLMARK-SALES / Splendid Thematic sells advertising space for Hallmark and Movies 24

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 20, 2008 / NBC Universal Global Networks announced on May 19, that the media house Splendid Thematics, part of Splendid Media Group, was chosen to sell the advertising space of the TV channels Hallmark Channel and Movies24 in Romania. The Hallmark Channel and Movies24 are two of the channels NBC operates in Romania.

Movies24 was launched four months ago, and it is currently distributed to almost one million households in Romania. The Hallmark Channel has been broadcast for almost nine months on the Romanian market, and it is distributed in over five million households.

In April 2008, the Tv station was situated on the 21st position in the overall national audience charts, with an average rating of 33,000 people watching the channel every minute, according to the TV audience measurements issued by the German institute GfK. The TV station was the second most watched movie channel, after CME-owned channel Pro Cinema.

The advertising space for Hallmark had previously been sold by the media house ARBOmedia, starting September 2006.

The two TV stations passed on to Splendid Media after ARBOmedia lost Jetix as a client, in January 2008. However, ARBOmedia had also announced that it decided to give up its TV department, in order to concentrate on the Internet and local press departments.

Romania is the second country in Europe to offer such a wide range of channels coming from the media group NBC Universal Global Networks. These channels also include SCI FI, Universal Channel and KidsCo. (AC)

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