
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 30.05.2008 00:35:46

TVR-EURO-MONEY / TVR gets over €10,000 for an advertising clip broadcast during the Euro football games

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 29, 2008 / The advertising space for the European finals has been completely sold since January. The first place of the advertising space buyers is taken by the non-alcoholic beverages.

The law allows the public station to sell 8 minutes of advertising space every hour. Euro 2008 is translated in 31 football games which have already been soaked with commercials by the Splendid Media agency – the advertising space has been booked since January.

The football games have been divided into categories, the Romanian national matches being the most expensive: “For the matches of the national team or the superior phases of the competition, we practice higher prices than for the rest of the matches”, said Radu Budes, managing partner for Splendid Media. He also stated that some of the matches will go beyond €10,000.

The companies that booked advertising during these matches paid a part of the price in January, and they will pay the rest after the Championship ends, depending on the ratings.

The most important advertisers are, according to TVR, the non-alcoholic beverages, the beer companies, the banking services and the car producers. (AC)

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