
Radio -- Data și ora publicării: 18.09.2008 17:37:49

ZU FM-RADIO-LICENCE / Intact’s new radio station received an audiovisual license

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / September 11, 2008 / The Romanian National Audiovisual Council (CNA) decided to approve the audiovisual license request received from the Camina company, which is part of the Intact media group. The radio license will be used to operate the new radio station Radio ZU.

“The group is presently restructuring its radio activities”, Rasvan Popescu, the President of the CNA stated.

The Project Manager of the station is Toni Tesiu, which is also the General Manager of the channel. About 60% of the programs of the new channel will be original programming. TV showman Mircea Badea will also have a radio talk show on Radio ZU. He is also one of the Program Managers of the station. The morning show will be presented by Mihai Morar and Daniel Buzdugan. The music broadcast on the new station will be targeted at the age segment 15 to 30.

The new radio network will use 24 frequencies from Radio Romantic, station which will remain active only in Bucharest. For Bucharest, Radio ZU will take the frequency of the former News FM station, which will be closed.

The station will start broadcasting shortly, with an investment estimated at about €500,000. (AC)

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