
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 29.09.2008 15:04:28

MCC-ADVERTISING / The advertising market will grow by 22% in 2008

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / September 28, 2008 / The local advertising market will grow by 22% in 2008, overtaking Romania’s economic growth, according to a statement made by Delia Mucica, counselor for the Culture and Religious Affairs Ministry (MCC), during the French-Romanian Audio-Visual Days in Bucharest.

The total advertising market will be higher than €500 million in 2008, compared to €485 million in 2007. The TV advertising will reach €383 million – 65% of the total ad spending, while the Internet advertising will only reach €15 million – 2% of the total ad spending. However, the Internet advertising will grow by 30%, more than all the other media.

The advertising budgets rates in 2007 were the following: Media Pro – 50%, Intact / Antena1 – 23%, SBS / Prima TV – 9%, TVR – 8% and Realitatea – 5%.

Regarding the TV market, Mucica said that Pro TV, Antena 1, Realitatea, SBS Broadcasting and SRTv have the largest number of licenses.

She also made a presentation regarding the Romanian cinema business.

“The independent producers are not actually independent, because they have contracts with a single TV station and do not sell their productions after they are already finished. They are actually service providers”, Mucica added.

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