
Advertising -- Data și ora publicării: 22.03.2009 07:34:26

ADVERTISING-DECLINE / TV advertising falls by 20% in the first two months of 2009

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / March 11, 2009 / Seven of the biggest ten TV advertisers in Romania reported declines in the gross investments they made in the advertising sector in the first two months of this year, according to the information provided by reseach company Alfa Cont.

The investments of the first ten advertisers in the country fell by 17.5% in January-February 2009 compared to the first two months of last year. Procter&Gamble, company that is usually the biggest advertiser in the country, diminished its advertising investments by 45% in January and February 2009 compared to the similar period of last year, from E41.8 million to E22.8 million.

GlaxoSmithKline Europharm and Cosmote are the only advertisers that reported growths in the investments they made in advertising. Thus, GlaxoSmithKline rose its advertising investments by 277%, from E5.1 million to E19.3 million. Comote, on the other side, reported a 40% growth in the advertising investment in January and February 2009, from E11.2 million to E15.69 million.

At the same time, Danone invested the same amount of money in advertising in 2009 as in 2008, namely E12.4 million, while Nestle fell by 1%, to E18.2 million. Nicu Laita, media director Omnicom Media Group Romania, thinks this percentage will not remain at the same level throughout 2009. „January was a month of great uncertainty for most advertisers and media agencies on the market, but, very soon, the marketing plans and budgets will be revised and we will reach a state of relative normality“, he explained.

According to Laita, the most optimistic estimation shows that the net investments will drop by 5.7–5.9%, until E510 million (TV – 58%, Print – 17%, Radio – 8%, OOH – 14%, Internet – 3%). (AC)

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