
Cinematography -- Data și ora publicării: 24.03.2009 18:56:47

CINEMATOGRAPHY-CALL / The French institution Media Desk calls for producers to participate at TIFF

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / March 20, 2009 / The French bureau Media Desk will host a conference together with the similar Romanian organization, during the upcoming Transylvania Film Festival (TIFF), which will happen in Cluj-Napoca between May 29 and June 7, 2009.

The conference is aimed at facilitating a meeting between producers of the two countries.

Also, the goal of the meeting is to make an exchange of “best practices” regarding the subvention requests that can be made through the MEDIA program.

Thus, Media Desk published an appeal in its bulletin on March 20, asking the French producers who are interested in taking part in the Romanian film festival, to contact Media Desk France before May 15, 2009. (AC)

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