
Legislation -- Data și ora publicării: 24.03.2009 22:17:54

PRESS-FREEDOM-PROTEST / Government tries to rush through civil and criminal codes reform curtailing right to information

Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / 24 mar 2009 / Reporters Without Borders and its partner organisation, the Media Monitoring Agency, condemn the restrictions on the right to information contained in a proposed reform of the criminal and civil codes which the government agreed on the 25th of February to submit to parliament on 11 March, according a press release.

“Articles in title II, section 3 of the proposed draft civil code, and
article 225 in the draft criminal code regarding the right to privacy would
significantly restrict research and investigation and a legitimate right to
information,” Reporters Without Borders and the Media Monitoring Agency
said. “Everyone agrees on the need to protect privacy, but the terms and
limits in this proposed reform would give free rein to the most restrictive
interpretations”. [...]

Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Jean-François Julliard said: “We
encourage all possible measures that help to combat the corruption that
undermines the state’s ability to function properly, but it is absurd to try
to attack corruption by restricting the freedom of investigative journalists
to operate.”

The press freedom organisation added: “Citing European Commission demands in
order to justify the haste and the procedural methods used is unacceptable.
We urge parliament to reject these bills and to demand a debate with all the
actors involved. The subjects concerned are too important to reach a
decision with such precipitation.”

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