
Profile -- Data și ora publicării: 20.03.2013 16:05:49


Zagreb, CROATIA / March 19th, 2013 / The speakers at NEM’s discussions are leading media experts. The panels will be dealing with new trends and all the attendees will have the opportunity to get insight into the latest developments in the fields of strategy, technology, content, marketing and regulatory issues from major players in the industry.

We are proud to announce that Mr. Dragan Šolak, Group Executive Chairman and Founder of SBB - Telemach - TotalTV will be sharing his expertise in growing trends in TV content migration to second and third screens at the TV EVERYWHERE panel: “TV Everywhere is the main challenge in the industry: the equipment manufacturers have to keep up with advanced technology, the operators need to meet streaming challenges and channels must find the answer to content copyright protection. There is also the issue of new trends in advertising which is moving towards personalized targeted campaigns. But, except from being the challenge, TV Everywhere is also a necessity. Obviously, TV Everywhere is the most interesting and attractive solution for users, so we are facing a very exciting time in which we have to find the answers to customer demands.”

There is a lot to learn from Mr. Johan A Larsson, Independent Social TV advisor, the man behind creating and implementing the HBO Nordic social media strategy which secured a base of 100,000 pre-launch fans. Mr. Larsson will be speaker at the panel TV GOES SOCIAL which will be dealing with the new trend of increasing TV ratings by engaging social networks and tweeting: “The social TV conversation is as old as the medium itself, but as it’s moving online it’s expanding and becoming available for brands to measure, respond to, amplify and influence. Today, as viewers migrate from linear to on-demand platforms, the social conversation online will expand from real-time to asynchronous experiences. The market is developing rapidly and is complex to navigate, but failing to embrace the digital conversation is a path to irrelevance.”

Watching television is not a passive experience any more. The vast majority of smartphone and tablet owners are tapping away on their devices as they watch TV. Being aware of the new trends, Croatian operator Iskon is keeping pace with technology. Saša Kramar, CEO at Iskon, will be joining the panel TV GOES SOCIAL and give insight from service provider’s point of view: “Internet and TV integration have been the company’s focus for some time. We have implemented YouTube and Facebook on our platform, and offered the content on mobile phones and PCs. We have just launched a new service which enables content sharing among Iskon users, and we are not stopping at that.”

For more information on NEM panels and speakers go to www.neweumarket.com.

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