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Capitol: To Go To Do To See ; Data și ora publicării: 15.02.2024 12:12:38
"Familia Addams" la Craiova, "Outfitul șearpelui" la București
București (MEDIA EXPRES) / 15 feb 2024 / Musicalul "Familia Addams" realizat de Răzvan Mazilu la Teatrul EXCELSIOR din București va avea două reprezentații în exclusivitate la Craiova, marți, 27 martie și miercuri, 28 martie 2024 de la ora 19:00 la Sala “Amza Pellea” a Teatrului Național “Marin Sorescu”, la schimb cu "Outfitul șearpelui", un spectacol „poeticoregrafic” de Andrea Gavriliu bazat pe versurile lui Marius Aldea, care se vede în Capitală.
Capitol: Press review; Data și ora publicării: 21.02.2022 15:49:17
Capitol: Tv; Data și ora publicării: 27.06.2019 08:07:52
Los Angeles / Budapest, 26 June 2019: NATPE and CEETV are delighted to announce that the winning format of the fourth edition of PITCH & PLAY LIVE! as voted for today by an expert jury at NATPE Budapest International, is TVP Poland’s SANATORIUM OF LOVE.
Capitol: Profile; Data și ora publicării: 03.06.2019 09:56:26
ANGA COM 2019-START / ANGA COM 2019 starts with 500 Exhibitors and Expanded Conference Agenda
Cologne/Germany (ANGACOM) / 4 June 2019 / ANGA COM 2019 opened its doors at 4 June with more than 500 exhibitors, and an extended international conference programme, reads a press release issued by ANGA the day before the start.
Capitol: Communications; Data și ora publicării: 29.05.2019 19:01:00
TELESTE-ANGACOM2019-LUMINATO / Teleste announced Luminato 4X4 for distributed access networks at ANGA COM 2019
Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / May 29, 2019 / Teleste announced its new headend platform at ANGA COM 2019, Luminato 4X4, designed with a built-in video engine to support operators when they make the shift to distributed access architecture, according to the company.
Capitol: Communications; Data și ora publicării: 13.04.2019 15:38:45
Fluvius upgrades cable network with Teleste’s optical nodes in Belgium
Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / 13 April 2019 / Teleste has been selected as a vendor of optical nodes for Fluvius’ network upgrade project in Belgium, with the deliveries of more than 750 of Teleste’s AC8810 intelligent 1.2 GHz nodes, taking place by the end of 2021 and valued estimated to be approximately EUR 1.1 million.
Capitol: Profile; Data și ora publicării: 03.04.2019 12:22:25
ANGA COM 2019 releases Conference Programme: 38 Expert Pannels and 13 Technology Pannels
Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / 3 April 2019 / ANGA COM 2019 has released its conference agenda with a total of 36 expert and 13 technology panels. For the first time in the event history there will be four summit discussions: The International Content Summit, the International CTO Summit, the German Broadband Summit and the German Media Summit. The Exhibition and Conference for Broadband, Television & Online will take place in Cologne/Germany from 4 to 6 June 2019.
Capitol: Profile; Data și ora publicării: 04.03.2019 12:11:54
Bucharest / 4 Mar 2019 / MIPTV announced mid February the creation of a new service to facilitate the sales and pre-sales process: the MIP Buyers Exchange, during îts' MIPTV, the international market for content development and distribution, announced in Cannes, France, from 8-11 April 2019.
Capitol: Advertising; Data și ora publicării: 07.12.2018 13:07:27
VR SOFTWARE-PROMOTION / December VR Challenge: Share your holiday spirit for a chance to win one of the prizes worth more than € 1,700
Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / 7 Dec 2018 / The VR solutions Mistika VR and Mocha Pro are launching a December VR Challenge, an International immersive photo and video contest open to the world-wide VR Community, participants having the chance to win licenses of Mistika VR Professional Edition and Mocha Pro 2019 with a total value of more than €1,700.
Capitol: Tv; Data și ora publicării: 06.11.2018 11:26:39
SPI-MARKETING-HAYMI BEHAR / Ex-Dogan Haymi Behar to head SPI’s International Marketing Operations
Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / 6 November, 2018 / Haymi Behar has been appointed Chief Marketing Officer for SPI/FilmBox in a newly created role to lead SPI’s International brand marketing efforts.
Capitol: Company news; Data și ora publicării: 25.09.2018 15:59:24
CBC / Radio-Canada Chooses Lawo VSM IP Broadcast Control for new ST2110-Based Montreal Broadcast Center
Rastatt, Germany (LAWO) / 25 September 2018 / CBC / Radio-Canada, Canada’s national public broadcaster, has chosen the Lawo VSM (Virtual Studio Manager) as the master IP control system for its new Montreal Broadcast Center, a planned state-of-the-art facility that will be fully compliant with the SMPTE 2110 standards for professional media over managed IP networks.
Capitol: Profile; Data și ora publicării: 17.09.2018 11:38:44
IBC2018-AWARDS / IBC2018 Awards presented to Eurosport, Medialaan, RTÉ, Econet Media, BBC R&D among others
Amsterdam (MEDIA EXPRES) / 18 SEP 2018 / Eurosport, Medialaan and RTÉ took home the Innovation Awards in a presentation held the Sunday evening, 17 September, as IBC celebrated media production and distribution in Europe, according IBC365.
Capitol: Company news; Data și ora publicării: 16.09.2018 13:50:14
IBC2018-CABLE MUST ATTEND / How to engage TV subscribers in the future?
Amsterdam (MEDIA EXPRES) / 16 SEP 2018 / Teleste Corporation showcase its solutions for video content delivery and live content processing at IBC2018, the special topic for this year’s event being the transformation of linear TV services and the opportunities and challenges that come along with technology migration.
Capitol: Company news; Data și ora publicării: 16.09.2018 13:30:16
IBC2018-DEAL / LYNX Technik signs a major partnership with AVC Group
Amsterdam (MEDIA EXPRES) / 16 SEP 2018 / LYNX Technik AG®, provider of software-defined modular interfaces for broadcast, professional AV as well as industrial signal processing applications, today announced that it has entered into a distribution agreement with the AVC Group located in several ex-Yugoslavian countries operating in Broadcast and Pro AV business.
Capitol: Company news; Data și ora publicării: 14.09.2018 10:01:02
CONTENT-RECOGNITION- IBC 2018 / Valossa Announces Video Recognition Service Availability via Veritone® aiWARE™ Platform
Amsterdam (MEDIA EXPRES) / 13 Sep 2018 / Valossa, a Finnish leading video recognition and content intelligence company announced at September 13, 2018, the availability of its video recognition service through Veritone’s aiWARE platform, collaboration which enables Veritone customers to gain access to Valossa’s market leading visual object and inappropriate content recognition capabilities.
Capitol: Tv; Data și ora publicării: 13.09.2018 22:26:43
IMAGINE-FRANCE TELEVISIONS-PLAYOUT / Imagine Communications Extends Playout Facilities for France Télévisions
Amesterdam (MEDIA EXPRES) / 13 Sep 2018 / Imagine Communications has extended its playout installations for France Télévisions Outre-Mer (France Ô), the service of France Télévisions which broadcasts to overseas territories. France Ô already uses Imagine Communications Versio™ playout for 12 channels broadcast from Paris; the new contract adds installations in Tahiti, serving the Polynesian Islands in the Pacific, as well as Mayotte in the Indian Ocean.
Capitol: Company news; Data și ora publicării: 13.09.2018 22:21:12
TELESTE-DNA-TRANSCODERS / The Finnish telecommunications operator DNA deploys Teleste’s transcoders in live TV and video on demand services
Amsterdam (MEDIA EXPRES) / 13 Sep 2018 / The Finnish telecommunications operator DNA deploys Teleste’s Optimo transcoders in the delivery of live TV and video on demand (VOD) services in OTT (over-the-top) networks, according a company release by Teleste.
Capitol: Company news; Data și ora publicării: 13.09.2018 22:08:14
AMIMON-ORIGINAL PROGRAM-LAUNCH / Amimom Launch Original Program Against Counterfeit Products
Amsterdam (MEDIA EXPRES) / 13 Sep 2018 / Amimon (Hall 12, Booth #12.G74 at IBC 2018), the creators of zero latency wireless HD video technology, and Teradek, the leading manufacturer of high performance video solutions for broadcast, cinema and general imaging applications, are partnering to launch the Amimon Original Program at IBC this week.
Capitol: Profile; Data și ora publicării: 08.09.2018 12:36:23
X-PERT-IBC2018 / X-Pert offers up to 5% discount at stand 8.E02 în Amsterdam
Bucharest (MEDIA EXPRES) / 7 Aug 2018 / X-Pert Multimedia Solutions is attending the world’s most influential media, entertainment and technology show IBC2018, September 14 - 18, RAI Amsterdam at stand 8.E02, announcing an exclusive expo offer of up to 5% discount for a contract concluded by the end of September 2018.
Capitol: Radio; Data și ora publicării: 06.09.2018 01:41:57
Visit Sound Devices @ IBC 2016 – Stand 8.B59!
Sound Devices is thrilled to exhibit our latest innovations in production audio and video equipment at IBC 2018! We'll be showcasing the highly portable, extremely versatile MixPre Series of audio recorders, mixers, and USB audio interfaces, along with new partner integrations—such as the one that allows us to offer onboard AMBEO to binaural decoding, needed to achieve a full spatial audio experience for virtual reality (VR) video production.
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